
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Working in advertising is such a great intellectual challenge. (Sometimes - if not, most of the times - it makes you feel like dumb and stupid). It is not just a matter of doing a sales job by charming your clients with a smile or keeping up with their demands and requests, or pushing them to their limits to get the sale. It is actually, as our headmaster at Raw School said, a job to persuade our clients. Persuade in a sense that we have to sway them towards an idea that's better for them even if these clients feel otherwise. It's convincing your client that your idea is what they need in order for them to move their brand. So there goes the never-ending brainstorm meeting with my colleagues just to come up with the best idea we could pitch. Sometimes it's just nerve-cracking, brain-draining and nose-bleeding (all of the -ing, I must say!). It even affects my getting up in the morning, thinking what to wear best to effectively set the mood for producing ideas.

There I go with the greens. I realized, when I was collating pics for this series post, that I've been wearing greens most especially when we have to go out for brainstorming or product research or just simply walking along Tomas Morato while we chat over our brief. And shortly after that, we would end up noting a lot of ideas on a yellow pad, trying to glue them all together significantly.

It's fresh, it's new but on the flipside, it's also inexperienced. Personally, it gives me the same calming effect of blue and actually my second favorite color.

This is my fashion. This is my statement.



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